Creation Care Course Introduction Week

Welcome to our 8 week Creation Care small group study series to consider God’s creation of the universe as a reflection of His glory. We are delighted that you are sharing this journey with us. Together we will exercise curiosity and discuss God’s heart for His creation in relation to us, and how we respond to the current climate emergency. While doing so, we keep our eyes fixed on a God of justice, through prayer and practical application as we live out our faith.

If you are feeling a little apprehensive about this topic as it is new to you, or seems overwhelming, then you will not be alone! Existing knowledge and experiences of the global climate crisis and its impacts on creation will vary across and within our groups. Maybe you are interested in the course because you care deeply about living sustainably but are still taking early steps in your faith journey. These are both great reasons to join – we will all be learning lots about living more sustainably to care for our environment, which was made from God’s love for us and for our joy!

The science behind the climate crisis and COP26

Kerith Creation Care series is timely as it follows the recent release of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC).  The report reminds us of the danger of climate irreversibility and gives a stark warning that we must act now, at scale and with significant decisive emission reductions if we are going to slow down the trajectory of the climate crisis. 

 The series also coincides with the lead up to COP26 – the 2021 UN climate change conference in November.  This COP will be the 26th annual summit and is hosted in Glasgow with the UK acting as President.  It will discuss global priorities for tackling climate change and review the Paris Agreement commitments for 1.5-degree limit to warming.  Click on the links for more details on What is a COP? - UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) at the SEC – Glasgow 2021 (, Paris Agreement and the 2030 United Nations UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Session preparation and structure

Each week we will be creating space to get to know other Kerith community members who are interested in this subject and deepen our knowledge from expert videos and Bible passages.

You are invited to read the book ‘Saying Yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio as a supportive background framework, however it is not compulsory, and you will still be able to follow the course content. Each week your group leader will advise about specific preparation for your meeting with suggested Bible verses and videos links.

Our suggested actions and ambitions to be better creation custodians at home and at work are a mixture of short, medium and longer term ideas and we would love to hear your own tips too.

We can all start praying today for policy makers working to define climate related legislation and leaders making global commitments – pray for ambition, action and breakthrough. May God give them courage and wisdom to think beyond short term political objectives and consider long term care for God’s creation.

“This unique moment in history is all about breaking boundaries. We know we have already broken, or are about to break, many of the planetary boundaries that keep us safe.”

– Christina Figueres

Introduction Week

Depending on your group this may be personal preparation or used as part of a group gathering.

Sunday message

Ruth Valerio

Optional preparation reading

‘Saying Yes to Life’ book by Ruth Valerio; Introduction

Bible reading selected from:

Psalm 24: 1

Genesis 1: 1-2

John 1: 1-4

Leviticus 25: 1-7

Colossians 1: 15-20

  • — Group introductions and ice breaker (only for those meeting in small groups this week)

    — Consider your existing knowledge and how you feel about the climate crisis and COP26

    — Reflect on what you are hoping to take away from the creation care series

  • Your group may watch these in advance of meeting to allow more discussion time:

    — Katharine Heyhoe:  Film one: What the Bible says about the natural world - Tearfund

    — Tenants Session 1: What is creation for?  How is Jesus at the centre of creation?

    — Tenants Session 2: What is the problem? Why is this a Christian issue?

  • This week’s videos will explore how the physical matters to God and how he shows this.  How climate change impacts humanity and to ask how we feel responsible. 

    Your leader may also email you some specific questions to consider in advance of the session.

  • Take time to talk with God in terms of where you are on your personal sustainability journey. 

  • This week the recommended action is to focus and commit regular personal and group prayer on the climate emergency leaders influencing key global actions and preparing for COP26.  Also pray and ask for guidance on how to use your unique gifts and purpose towards caring for creation. 

    You may want to look at:

    Pray and Fast for the Climate

    — Tearfund also has lots of resources and guides Prayer for the climate - Tearfund

    — Or make a pledge to pray here: Climate Prayer Chain - Christian Aid

Our first week will be an introduction to the overarching themes in the Creation Care series.  In these first two weeks this is a time to gather an understanding of our baseline knowledge within the group and get to know each other, as we introduce the core theme of God as the creator and why we need to care for creation now more than ever.

“Never has science around the world been so abundant to meet the challenges that we have”

– Emmanuel Macron, President of France