
Let there be lights in the vault of the sky

We look at the rhythms given to the world, of light and darkness, through the creation of the sun, moon, stars and vast amazingness of the universe. This leads us to consider the link between creation and redemption through Jesus. We ask ourselves in the study this week more about how we care for creation, in light of our readiness for Jesus’ return and the new heaven and new earth.

Optional preparation reading

‘Saying Yes to Life’ book, Chapter 4

Welcome back to week 4 – opening questions

  • How are we finding the course as we reach the halfway mark?

  • Are we responding differently to the topic of sustainability since we started this small group study and preach series?  If so, how?

Bible reading selected from

  • Genesis 1: 14–19

  • Acts 2: 20

  • Colossians 1: 19-20

  • Psalm 147: 4

  • Psalm 19: 1-6


Optional video viewing

Your group may watch these in advance of meeting to allow more discussion time:

  1. Saying Yes to Life Resources  – Ruth Valerio with Professor Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer, former Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and President of the Royal Society

  2. Film five: Speaking to other Christians about climate change - Tearfund - Katharine Heyhoe


Video discussion and questions

We ask how this week’s topic supports our biblical understanding of a ‘new heaven’ and a ‘new earth’, how we are called as God’s creatures to care for His creation, and the links between ‘new and renew’. We also consider whether guilt plays a part in how we respond to climate change. 

Your leader may also email you some specific questions to consider in advance of the session.

Reflection and prayer 

We close reflecting on the actions we have committed to do so far in the series and ask for support and guidance in areas that we are finding tricky.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

– Albert Einstein

Actions and ambitions planner – How can I bring God’s plan for his creation deeper into my life?

Short term

Short Term – some quick wins!

  • Pray about your giving rhythm and approach; ask for guidance about how your financial resources can best support the future of creation.  Maybe a more regular pattern would help your budget and planning for our care of creation?

  • Consider if your budget could be more controlled?  Do you feel you are spending on items that you do not really need and it is hard to stop?  If so, maybe talk to the CAP team to get help and advice on how to control your money and help you avoid creating more waste.  Signing up with CAP is the first step.

  • Draw up a list of people you know are passionate about the environment or passionate about Christ however are not ‘joining the dots’.  Is it time to set up a coffee with them to open the conversation?

  • Purchase that book from the resources guide that you have been meaning to do for a few weeks now – Dave Bookless’s Planetwise is recommended if you want more on eschatology

Medium term

Medium Term – a little more effort needed

  • Do you have existing qualifications or experience in the sustainability industry?  Could you give some time to the Kerith team as we consider how we take our learnings forward and embed them into our strategy after the 8 week series?  If so, please contact creationcare@kerith.church

  • Think about how you can bring more focus to this topic at work?  If you are working for a smaller organisation that does not have the time or resource for a dedicated sustainability team then maybe a few passionate individuals can create a focus group and make it fun too – start small with a nature-based photography competition or a plant based recipe club to draw in interested members

Long term

Longer Term – for me and for the church community?

  • Are you on the worship team and can you integrate the breadth of creation into our worship beyond the Creation Care series? 

  • Understand if your money is being invested for good or for harm.  Maybe start with one area such as your pension and talk to a financial advisor or your workplace pension advisor about ethical choices and green funds that you may want to consider for that pension.

  • If you have wider investment pots, then maybe look at those next working through your portfolio