
The seventh day: Conclusion

We have reflected on a great deal of information as we have considered how we care for God’s creation and this can feel overwhelming.  Just as God rested on the seventh day, we ourselves need to sometimes stand back, reflect and pray for guidance about how we can best use our resources and gifts before we act towards this purpose. This week we will therefore take a reflective approach. 

Tearfund suggest a longer term strategy for individuals following a Pray, Act, Give approach. We pray to a God who we know listens and answers, we act and ‘make bold changes in the way we live, consuming less and consuming better’, and we are also encouraged to give using resources to change people’s lives around the world in the areas where God has stirred our hearts.  Through the action planner we have offered a variety of suggestions for each of these for your personal consideration.

Optional preparation reading

‘Saying Yes to Life’ book, Conclusion Chapter

Welcome back to week 7 – opening questions

  • How are we feeling as we end on this small group series?

  • Any stories of how making small steps has been beneficial at home or at work?

Bible reading selected from

  • Genesis 2: 1-3

  • Ephesians 1: 13-14

  • Leviticus 25 – The Sabbath / Year of the Jubilee


Optional video viewing

Your group may watch these in advance of meeting to allow more discussion time:

  1. Katharine Heyhoe - Film nine: It is not too late - Tearfund

  2. Tenants Session 4 Speak Up with Justin Thaker - Does God do politics? 

Video discussion and questions

As we close this series, we contemplate the fact that we cannot unknow what we now know and discuss how we feel about using the lessons that we have learned and make lifestyle changes.  We also reflect on improvements we can make as Kerith community and think about longer term actions available to us.  It will be interesting to see which areas of action have inspired each of us.

 Your leader may also email you some specific questions to consider in advance of the session.

Reflection and prayer 

We close in prayers of thanksgiving for the knowledge that we have now, and for wisdom and guidance for our personal strategies and collective strategies to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and care for God’s creation through a just transition.

“Resurrection churches, resurrection lives.
This is the calling that is on us as we look at all that God has made and say yes to life.”

– Ruth Valerio

Actions and ambitions planner –
What are my longer term steps?

  • Pray and consider what does creation care mean for me and my family longer term? How can we act now and keep acting?

  • Pray for people facing and already in extreme poverty where the pandemic, climate change and energy transitions may or already has impacted their livelihoods and health

  • We have offered suggestions about a variety of climate crisis related projects, pray about how and which project you may want to give time or money towards

  • Keep learning and growing your mindset, regularly review the Saying Yes To Life Resources to find more resources on the topics that touched your heart and spoke to you in particular.

  • Maybe you have listened to this course and God and believe now is the time for you to remove your mask, shine your personal lamp and practise vulnerability by really acting with purpose and using your voice on matters that are deeply important to you – caring for God’s creation.  Is this time to become an authentic thought leader in your team at work or at church and held lead people in a more sustainable direction or find allies to help you create a sustainability-based project or fundraiser?