Stories of Hope and generosity in Bracknell Foodbank - November 2023

November brings with it a crispness in the air, a reminder that the Christmas season is on the horizon. As we step into the brisk embrace of this season, our hearts are warmed by the tales of compassion and resilience that unfold within the walls of Bracknell Foodbank.

This month's Foodbank update is a testament to the strength of our volunteer community, the transformative power of selfless giving and the generous outpouring of support from initiatives and partnerships. Join us on this journey of hope and generosity that makes the foodbank a beacon of light in the lives of those facing adversity across Bracknell Forest.


Meet Our Volunteers and hear J’s Journey of Healing and Hope

The heartbeat of the foodbank lies in its volunteers, individuals who step forward with the intention of helping others but discover that in doing so, they receive more than they could have ever imagined. J's story epitomizes this sentiment. Battling major illnesses, severe depression, anorexia, and alcoholism, J found herself at a crossroads last year when a series of unfortunate events unfolded, including a battle with COVID, job loss, and subsequent struggles with long COVID.

In the depths of despair, J found solace within the foodbank community & Kerith Community Church. Her journey of surrendering to God, overcoming addiction, and rediscovering hope showcases the transformative power of Jesus & the power of volunteering. Through her commitment to helping others, J not only found healing for herself but became a source of inspiration for those she serves.


News/Updates - Diversity, Training and Exciting Developments

Diversity's Impact: A delightful surprise unfolded as the renowned dance group, Diversity, embraced our cause recently during their UK tour. Raising both food and monetary donations for Trussell, they contributed £150 and 77kg of food!

They kindly gave us some VIP tickets & the backstage rendezvous added a touch of excitement for some of our volunteers & their families!

Working with Vulnerable People Training: A significant milestone in our commitment to excellence; 30 of our volunteers gathered for training in working with vulnerable people. Insights from Trussell Trust’s Learning & Development Trainer, Steff, and the engaging discussions that followed generated practical tips for our team. The training, anchored by the quote, 'Every contact leaves a trace,' emphasizes the impact of every interaction and the importance of positive engagement. We continue to be dedicated in investing in training for all our volunteers to ensure we are providing the best service possible to everyone who comes through our doors.


Exciting News – New Referrals Coordinator: We are delighted to announce the recruitment of our new Foodbank Referrals Coordinator, Alan Lander. With deep roots in Kerith and a passion for our vision, Alan will play a crucial role in building relationships with referral agencies. This strategic move aims to guide individuals toward relevant support earlier, moving beyond temporary solutions.


Pre-school Visit, Lexicon Glow Room, and Generous Donations: From enlightening visits from preschools to the mesmerizing Glow Room experience at The Lexicon, our community engagement thrives. Donations from unexpected sources showcase the ongoing generosity within our local community.


Children and staff at South Hill Park Pre-school learned about the work we do and very kindly collected donations for us.

The Lexicon set up a ‘Pay it Forward’ scheme where customers buy tickets for the Glow Room for families who otherwise couldn’t afford it. They have provided over 40 family tickets for us to give out to our guests.

Thank you Lexicon & to everyone who ‘Paid it Forward’!

Easthampstead Ladies’ Golf Club chose Bracknell Foodbank as their nominated charity this year and the Club Captain came in a few weeks ago with a cheque for a whopping £2220!

We are constantly blown away by the generous financial gifts of our community.

Thank you Ladies!


Ranelagh school blew us away by donating 1300 items! One of the teachers split our lists of most wanted items between all the classes meaning we ended up with lots of items we were short of.

Thank you Ranelagh – simply brilliant!


Lots of people this year have been taking part in the ‘Reverse Advent Calendar Challenge’ where different items are donated each day.

Here’s one of our youngest donors, 6 year-old Jasper delivering his to us - Way to go Jasper!

Client Stories - Empathy, Connection, and Transformation

J's Encounter: Through a poignant encounter with a lady seeking support, J exemplifies the ethos of acceptance and understanding within the foodbank community. Her willingness to share her struggles fosters a bond of empathy and acceptance, reinforcing that everyone is welcome.

Ruth's Narratives: Ruth shares touching moments with clients; one chap being hugely overwhelmed by all the lovely goodies & kindness he was shown. It really is the impact of simple gestures; from offering glow vouchers to inviting individuals to the Kerith Christmas experience, these stories emphasize the personal connections forged within the foodbank community.


November Stats - A Glimpse into Impact

The statistics for November provide a tangible glimpse into the impact of our collective efforts. With 253 vouchers fulfilled, 533 clients provided with food, and a staggering 7 tonnes of donations, we continue to make a significant difference.

These numbers underscore the dedication of our volunteers and the unwavering support from our local community.


As November bids us farewell & Christmas approaches, the echoes of hope, generosity, and resilience linger within the walls of The Bracknell Foodbank. The stories shared, initiatives undertaken, and statistics presented are a testament to the strength of community bonds and the profound impact of collective goodwill. As we move into the Christmas season, let these stories serve as a reminder that, in unity, we can create a world where no one faces hunger alone.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, and here's to a Christmas season filled with even more stories of joy, compassion and giving.

With much love,

Sarah Walker 


A Year of Impact: Reflecting on Our Social Action Projects


Nourishing Communities: A Harvest of Giving and Compassion