On 12th September we have our next Baptism Sunday at Kerith Windsor. If you believe in Jesus and haven’t yet been baptised, we’d encourage you to consider it!

Read below to find out more about what baptism is and why it’s a good thing to do.

 What is baptism?

It’s a symbolic act: you get fully immersed in water and are lifted out again as a sign that you identify with Jesus Christ in his death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). It symbolises dying to your old life and being raised to a new life with Christ.

It’s when you publicly affirm your faith in Jesus. You get to share your story of how you came to believe in Jesus, and it’s a time for the church community to celebrate as you join the worldwide family of believers.

 Why is baptism a good thing to do?

Jesus got baptised, and he encouraged his followers to be baptised too (Matthew 28:19). We see the early church following this when they baptised new believers, including the people at Pentecost, the Ethiopian eunuch, and the families of Lydia and Cornelius.

These people got baptised after they had decided to follow Christ. This means that children can get baptised as long as they understand what it means.

In the Bible, baptism is also linked with sins being washed away, being added to the church, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

 What about you?

Have you been baptised as a believer in Jesus? If not, then we’d encourage you to sign up to be baptised! If you’re interested, please email Leon.Johnson@Kerith.church

Bethany (Pastoral Coordinator)



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